Charles C. Moore is one of the best speakers of the club, and is particularly noted for his speeches on festive occasions. He has served several terms as an officer of the club. In a debate he has few equals, and to have him on a side means a sure victory. He has not many opportunities for riding, as his business is such that he cannot spare much time from it.
The present officers of the club are: President, Dr. Thomas L. Hill; Vice-President, C. C. Moore; Secretary, R. M. Thompson; Treasurer, H. C. Cumınins; Captain, W. M. Meeker; First Lieutenant, E. W. Adams; Second Lieutenant, F. E. Browning; Standard-Bearer, F. W. Pierson; Buglers, L. W. Cole, M. Garratt.
The riders started for home at 4 o'clock, and arrived in the city at 7 o'clock. The Stockton Club members were delighted with their outing, and invited the club to their city on the 11th to visit Lodi, the great watermelon district of the State. Dr. C. C. Moore, of Stockton, has promised to provide a sufficient quantity of his H. H. H. medicine, to cure any riders attacked by illness from eating too much melon.
Edwin Mohrig, San Francisco, chief consul; J. Phil Percival, Los Angeles, vice-consul; Alexander S. Ireland, San Francisco, secretary-treasurer: Representatives - George H. Frost, Pasadena; Charles C. Moore, Stockton; Dr. Thomas L. Hill, Dr. L. N. Sandford, San Francisco. Dr. J. M. Curragh, San Francisco, representative San Francisco Bicycle Club; Representatives Bay City Wheelmen - J. J. Bliss and Charles O. Moore, San Francisco. J. W. A. Off, Los Angeles representative Los Angeles Wheelmen.
Chief Consul Mohrig and wife of San Francisco, Charles C. Moore and wife of Stockton and S. H. Knapp of San Francisco were out riding last evening over the asphalt streets. Mrs. Mohrig rides a ladies' bicycle, and manages it with rare grace, aud she presents a very pretty sight mounted on her two-wheeler. Last evening the entire party was the cynosure of all eyes. Mr. and Mrs. Moore rode a tandem, while the other gentlemen rode safeties. Mrs. Mohrig is the first lady to ride the ladies' cycle in Los Angeles.
30 May 1889, Thu
The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California)
When San Francisco Was Teaching America to Ride a Bicycle - Sun, Feb 26, 1905 - Page 5 - San Francisco ChronicleThen the "club" resort was had. On December 13, 1878, a club was formed known as the San Francisco Bicycle Club, which was the first organization of its kind on the Coast, and the second in the whole United States. Among the members were Governor George C. Perkins, Colonel Ralph de Clairmont, Judge Kerrigan, George H. Strong, G. Loring Cunningham, F. G. Blinn, J. G. Golby, George Hobe, Robert M. Welch, Charles L. Barrett, F. C. Merrill, [maybe F. T. Merrill] E. Mohrig. F. E. Osbourne, Charles C. Moore, Fred Russ Cook, Herman C. Eggers, Frank D. Elwell and many others.
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