Charles D. Bates, Jr.


Last Tuesday evening the Reliance Club Wheelmen of Oakland held their annual election, which resulted as follows: President, E. B. Jerome; Captain, Charles Bates; Secretary, Phil Carlton; First Lieutenant, J. H. Dieckman; Second-Lieutenant, Fred Knight; Bugler, H. P. Carlton. This places the racing men in charge of the wheeling part of the Reliance A. C., and as the officers are young men full of life, the club will be more active this year than ever in cycling matters.

Captain Bates will have charge of the Reliance relay team and already has half his men picked out.

CYCLING NEWS AND COMMENTS. - Champion Ziegler's Teammates, Harbottle and Coulter, and Their Record as Racing Men. - The Czar of Russia as a Cycler. - The San Francisco Examiner, 12 Jan 1895

Captain C. D. Bates Jr. of the Reliance Wheelmen will soon announce his club run for the coming season. He has many surprises in store for the members.

AMONG THE WHEELMEN - Track to Be Used in the Tournament. - A Matter of Interest to Racers. - San Francisco Chronicle, 19 Jan 1895
On June 30th Captain C. D. Bates intends holding a picnic of the Reliance Wheelman, but has not decided whether Orinda Park or Sunol will be the destination.

AMONG THE WHEELMEN - San Francisco Chronicle 15 Jun 1895 
