Professional Team
C. C. Harbottle is also one of the newer riders, having begun racing on July 1, 1893, at the annual championship meet of the Canadian Wheelmen's Association. At that meet he won all the races in which he rode and covered his novice mile in 2:29, which was the world's record at that time for a novice.
Harbottle is a smaller man than Coulter, but somewhat taller than Ziegler. He weighs 155 pounds and stands five feet seven inches. He is the same age as Coulter, but two years older than the Little Demon of San Jose.
During the season of 1893 Harbottle won fifteen firsts and three seconds, being unplaced in only three races out of the twenty-one in which he took part. Ziegler's record for 1893 was eighteen firsts and five seconds out of twenty-three events.
In 1894 Harbottle competed in twenty races, winning seven firsts, seven seconds and three thirds, and was unplaced three times. He holds the quarter-mile Canadian championship and the mile championship of the Province of Ontario. The quarter-mile standing and flying start and the mile standing start competition records for Canada are also held by C. C. Harbottle, so he can be well termed the champion of Canada. Harbottle has taken a great liking to Otto Zeigler, aad says he is willing to do all in his power to help the Little Demon beat the world. While on the Coast Harbottle will ride under the colors of the California Cycling Club of this city, and in the East under the colors of his home club, the Toronto Athletic Club.
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Will Harbottle Ride in Canada?There has been some discussion of late as to whether or not Colin C. Harbottle, one of the team now at Waltham, which will ride in the A. C. C. races May 30, and a Canadian, could ride in the Canadian championships or not, under the existing laws of the governing body of Canada.
It is interesting to note in this connection what the Mail and Empire, published in Toronto, Harbottle's home, has to say on this subject:
"The reference in these columns last week to the rule requiring championship competitors to be residents in the dominion for six months previous to the championship races has occasioned considerable perturbation among the many friends of the first Canadian class B rider. Harbottle himself has communicated with his club officers in this regard, and with them anxiously awaits a decision by the racing board.
"Though for the past four months he has been touring in the United States, his friends claim that he is still a resident of Canada, that his home is here, and that he receives his salary not from the American manufacturer, whose wheel he rides, but from the Canadian agents of the wheel. The clause of the rule bearing on the case reads as follows: Dominion championships are open to all amateur wheelmen who have resided in Canada six months previous to the date of the race.' The racing board may require to stretch a point to find Harbottle eligible for the championships, but the action will be easily excusable by permitting a popular Canadian rider to compete for the highest Canadian honors."
Harbottle was discussing this very subject with the writer last week. He said he did not see how the rules could be so construed as to rule him out, and that he felt very confident that he should be allowed to ride.
Every one who has met the rider must say with The Globe, "Here's hoping he rides in the Canadian championships."
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