Ladies' Cycling Club

Captain Celine Delmas of the Ladies' Cycling Club has called a cherry run for Monday. June 3. [I think Celine and Antonio "Tony" Delmas were siblings. He is mentioned in a lot of the race results from the era. -MF] This should be well attended, as a great deal of pleasure is anticipated eating this fruit so plentiful in our beautiful valley. On June 15 the club will visit Santa Cruz in a body to enjoy the entertainment on that occasion.
At last I understand why the Ladies' Cycling Club has not been conducted on a business basis. l am informed that it was organized as a social club only, the members not caring to form a regular club. "Well, as a social club we may deem it a success surely, and since the "ladyes faire," bless 'em, don't care for a clubroom or a treasury, and all that sort o' thing, then may they prosper as just a simple social organization.

It has been my pleasure within the past month to meet a majority of its members, and truly they are a merry lot. Such a chatter at the photographer's the morning the club picture was to be taken! A veritable bedlam, where everything was discussed from "Trilby" to the latest things I in sleeves. Imagine the shower of "he said's" and "they say's" floating around the picture-frames! But that picture! Well, it speaks for itself. Now, truly, did you ever see a merrier band of lassies?

Unfortunately, but seventeen of the thirty members could be present, these being the Misses Susie and Rena Hubbard, Rayburn, Jones, Wastie, Celine and Nettie Delmas, Murgotten, Cora Edwards. Pete, McKenney, January, Gray, Morrill, Thompson, Graffe and Mrs. Kate Wilcox.

The recent election of officers resulted as follows: President, Miss Sue January; vice-president, Miss Alexander; captain, Miss Celine Delmas; first lieutenant, Miss Florita Pete; second lieutenant, Miss Nellie Seybolt; bugler, Miss Edith Murgotten.

The bugler objects because she has "nothing to bugle," but I fear me 'twould take a foghorn to make itself heard on a club run. Do I insinuate that they are noisy? Oh, no! not necessarily. But figure for yourselves: If one girl "talks at the rate of 100 words per minute how many words per minute will be cast upon the balmy air by twenty-five girls?

THE LADIES' CYCLING CLUB. San Francisco Call, Number 1, 1 June 1895 

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