National Colored Wheelmen's League

Dixie Hines, Quill Club Wheelmen, organize a league of colored wheelmenDixie Hines, Quill Club Wheelmen, organize a league of colored wheelmen 12 Apr 1896, Sun The Record-Union (Sacramento, California)

President Dixie Hines of the Quill Club Wheelmen of America, who is at present in the South, writes that there is a strong move on foot to organize a league of colored wheelmen. The new organization will not have anything to do with politics, as does the League of American Wheelmen. 

National Colored Wheelmen's League.
League of American Wheelmen excluding the negroNational Colored Wheelmen's League. League of American Wheelmen excluding the negro 04 Aug 1895, Sun The San Francisco Examiner (San Francisco, California)

National Colored Wheelmen's League. 

CLEVELAND, August 3. As a result of the constitution adopted some time ago by the League of American Wheelmen, excluding the negro from membership In the league, a national organization of colored wheelmen may soon be organized. Steps looking to that end are already being taken.

They Will Organize a National League of Their Own.COLORED WHEELMEN TO ACT. They Will Organize a National League of Their Own. 04 Aug 1895, Sun San Francisco Chronicle (San Francisco, California)


They Will Organize a National League of Their Own 

CLEVELAND August 1 - As a result of the constitution adopted some time ago by the League of American Wheelmen excluding negroes from membership in the league a national organization of colored wheelmen may soon be organized. Steps looking to that end are already being taken

As a result of leg. adopted by L. A. W. excluding negro, national org. of colored wheelmenAs a result of leg. adopted by L. A. W. excluding negro, national org. of colored wheelmen 17 Aug 1895, Sat Los Angeles Herald (Los Angeles, California)

As a result of the legislation adopted some time ago by the L. A. W., excluding the negro from membership in the league, a national organization of colored wheelmen will soon be organized.




Call Issued by Hannibal Athletic Club of the District of Columbia - Convention to Be Held In Washington In August. Delegates From An Negro Clubs Wanted.

Ever since the League of American Wheelmen declared a couple of years ago that it was for white riders only there has been a great deal of talk about a similar organization among the colored riders. The colored wheelmen of Washington have at last taken the initiative and are now making preparations to entertain colored wheelmen from all over the country about the latter part of next month, when a national convention, a race meet and street bicycle parade will be held in that city and a national colored league of American wheelmen formed.

The Hannibal Athletic club of the District of Columbia has issued a call for all colored bicycle riders in the United States to meet in Washington on Monday, the 24th of August, to form such a national organization for the colored riders. The Hannibal club has invited all the colored clubs to send delegates to this national convention, and it urges that every colored club in the United States should realize the importance of being represented. The call for the meeting is signed by E. N. Johnson, manager, and W. H. Jackson, secretary.

The idea is to have the fundamental principles of the organization precisely similar to those of the white L. A. W. The name will be the same, in all probability, except that the word "colored” will be prefixed to the title of the organization. Like the white organization, the colored L. A. W. will issue a monthly journal devoted to the interests of the league. It will encourage racing among the colored wheelmen and will probably have a racing board of its own, with an autocrat not unlike Chairman Gideon at its head, in which case the racing element would certainly prosper.

On the occasion of the convention next month a grand bicycle parade of colored riders will be one of the principal features. An effort to have a colored bicycle parade had already been inaugurated by the Ideal Cycle club before the call was issued, but the Ideals will probably co-operate with the Hannibals iu their movement for the general good of the colored riders. In addition to the parade there will be a race meet for colored riders only, when several bicycle races will be run off for prizes aggregating in value several hundred dollars. The track for the races has not been decided upon, and there may be something of a hitch in this minor detail, since it is understood that several of the managers of local tracks do not favor the idea of having colored race meets within their inclosures. However, the colored league will doubtless find some suitable track.

An effort is also being made in this connection to promote a colored interstate drill, open to all colored companies in the United States, to take place during the meet, the drill to be for a cash prize and for the championship of the United States colored companies. All in all, the colored riders of Washington are certainly showing their white brethren how to push things in the cycling line, and if the expectations of the colored riders of this city are realized the convention next month will mark the declaration of rights period of the colored wheelmen, who have long resented the strictures placed upon them by the white rider. -Washington Post.

colored riders to have a league of their owncolored riders to have a league of their own 22 Aug 1896, Sat Los Angeles Evening Express (Los Angeles, California)

It has always been said that the L. A. W. made a very had move in refusing admittance to colored wheelmen, but the South and West has backed up the sentiment strongly, and the L. A. W. has increased its membership in consequence. But the colored riders are to have a league of their own. The fundamental principles will be precisely the same as the L. A. W., though the word "colored" will be emphasized. The promoters have made arrangements to organize a racing board and will encourage racing among themselves. They will have everything up to date, and deserves to succeed. A monthly magazine will be issued.

Colored Wheelmen Organized.
Colored wheelmen will ... have a national league of their ownColored Wheelmen Organized. Colored wheelmen will ... have a national league of their own 25 Aug 1896, Tue The San Francisco Call (San Francisco, California)

Colored Wheelmen Organized. 

WASHINGTON, D. OL, Aug. 24. - Colored wheelmen will hereafter have a national league of their own. Initial steps to that end are to be taken at a convention to be held in this city during the next three days, and to attend which a large number of representatives from colored clubs have arrived.
