Some Interesting Facts About Stockton's Bicycle Club.
The A List of Local People Who Ride the The Things - The Club's Rubbered Rings - Uniforms.
Stockton has an enviable reputation for the cultivation and encouragement of various bealthful athletic sports. She has several clubs that are champions in their lines, and now a flourishing bicycle club is under way, that will soon contend for honors in the wheeling arena. For some years there have been a number of good wheelmen here, but not until the 15th of November of last year was an organization effected. The club styled itself "The Oak Leal Wheelmen," and immediately connected itself with the National League of American Wheelmen. In this State there are four districts of the league council, and C. C. Moore is the representative from this district.
There are now about 15,000 members of the League of American Wheelmen in by this country.
At the first meeting of the Oak Leaf Wheelmen the following named officers were elected: Captain, J. E. Clifford: Lieutenant, Bert W. Moore; President, C. C. Moore; Vice-President, Wm. McKee; Secretary and Treasurer, George W. Hickinbotham; Color Bearer, Lincoln H. Cook; Bugler, J. E. Hickinbotham; Local Council, Ben. B. Lyon.
The club meetings are held on the first Friday in each month. There are now twenty members, the following sixteen of whom have their own machines: Charles C. Moore, John E. Clifford, John E. Hickinbotham, George W. Hickinbotham, William McKee, Frank Eshbach, Theodore Steiny, Lincoln Cook, Mark Lane, Bert W. Moore, Ben. B. Lyon, Dave Creaner, Ed. Haas, Harry West and Carl Brueck. Charles Hutchinson and A. L. Wulff have ordered machines, and they will arrive from the East in a few days. Frank Elliott and John Graham, the only two remaining members of the club, have no machines at present, but they contemplate ordering some soon.
Besides, there are four wheelmen in this city who own machines and do not belong to the club. Fred. Baird has an old style Columbia; George Clark, a Premier, English make; Harry L. West, a Columbia Expert, and William Buckly has a new American Challenge machine. The latter two are too young to obtain admission to the club. Leroy Moore has a machine on the road from the East, but his youth will also debar bim for a while from the privileges of the club.
Besides those mentioned the following. named wheelmen have no machines and are not members of the club: Fred Clark, William Trethway, George L. Wolf, Albert Smallfield, William Hickman, William Thresher and Ira Ladd.
In the East quite a number of ladies who ride tricycles have joined the league. In San Francisco a few have also become members, and recently Mrs. C. C. Moore of this city sent her application for membership to the league headquarters in the East.
The wheels owned in the club have been obtained through the agent in this city, John E. Clifford, and they are all of the Columbia Expert make. They are full nickel plated and their bright and uniform appearance enables the club to produce a striking effect when they appear in a body in public.
Many of the wheelmen here have had bells and lamps attached to their machines. These are intended to give warning to passing pedestrians. Quite serious accidents have often happened by collisions, especially in the night time. In England and in many cities of the East ordinances have been passed, requiring the use of these warning lamps and bells.
The club has decided to adopt the official league uniform. The color is a light brown, and the suit consists of a coat, knee trousers, cap, shirt and hose. John Wanamaker of Philadelphia has the contract from the league to furnish all the suits required by all of its members in the country. The cloth, which is very peculiar in character, is kept only by Wanamaker, and no one but a league member can obtain it. On the buttons is stamped the league emblem of the club - three wings surrounded by a wheel.
Bert W. Moore of the club has recently invented and put into use something of a novelty. It consists of a canopy, which is fastened by means of a curved iron rod to the head of his machine. On a trial trip it proved quite successful and comfortable until an accidental header almost demolished it.
Cycling is as yet, comparatively speaking, in its infancy in this city, and no very remarkable time has been made, but there are some promising wheelmen in the club. C. C. Moore once made a quarter of a mile on a heavy track in less than forty seconds. The same wheelman once rode from Waterloo to this city (eight miles) in thirty-five minutes. This is a remarkably fine and level road, and will probably always be the favorite racing track of local wheelmen. No doubt some excellent time will be made on it in the future. The road from Lodi (fourteen miles distant) also promises to be a fast track, Charles C. Moore and John E. Hickinbotham once made the distance in one hour and forty-two minutes.
Bert W. Moore and Mr. Hickinbotham are also excellent trick riders. They now perform a number of difficult tricks with as much ease as is displayed by the fancy trick riders of San Francisco.
The league of American Wheelmen, California division, will hold its second annual meet at Santa Cruz, beginning Saturday, July 2d, and ending Monday evening, July 4th, of this year. Stockton will be represented at this event by four members of the club: District Council Charles C. Moore, Dave Creanor, John E. Clifford and John E. Hickinbotham.
Mr. Moore and his wife will go to the meet on a new tandem tricycle that will arrive in this city in a few days. It is so constructed that two can ride on it, one in front of the other. The machine is a very fine one, costing $250. After it arrives two lamps and a bell will be attached. A canopy is also to be put over it. This can be much more easily and securely attached to a tricycle than to a bicycle, and no doubt it will make the machine a comfortable traveling vehicle.
The club of Oak Leaf Wheelmen is now in a flourishing condition. The members are all enthusiastic and active, a number of new people are about to join, and no doubt there will soon be as large and efficient a cycling organization in Stockton as is to be found in the State.
Oak Leaf Wheelmen 08 Jun 1887, Wed
The Mail (Stockton, California)
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