Bob Magill Has a New Girl 18 Aug 1886,
Wed Oakland Tribune (Oakland, California)
The Oakland Ramblers is an offshoot from the [Oakland] Wheelmen, [formerly known as the Oakland Bicycle Club] started this last Summer, and is chiefly composed of younger members, who thought their seniors too old-fogyish and branched out to do more riding and racing. They have a blue knit uniform, with gray shirts.
A New Bicycle Club. 21 Sep 1886, Tue Oakland Tribune (Oakland, California)
A New Bicycle Club.
Another bicycle club has been organized in this city with the following membership: R. H. Magill, L. A. Kelly, Guy C. Earl, C. A. Beiderman, A. S. Ireland, C. L. Tisdale, W. W. Harrison, F. H. Blum, Robert Edgar and A. J. Bowman. The first meeting of the club will be held next Wednesday evening. This club is not organized for shape, but for endurance. It comprises those hardy members of existing clubs who delight to plow the San Leandro road - the veterans who are not afraid to make the trip from Oakland to San Jose and back again between sunrise and gloaming. They are distance riders, who have taken "headers.” They are men who scorn everything in the shape of a tricycle, except an automatic tandem with a pretty girl on the front seat. They are organizing for records, and they intend to get there just the same.
The Wheelmen Oakland Ramblers 08 Nov 1886,
Mon Oakland Tribune (Oakland, California)
The Oakland Ramblers (reorganized) will have charge of the race and will offer three prizes....
Arrangements are about completed for the twenty-five mile road race. There will be entries from San Francisco, Oakland, Sacramento and San Jose. The B. C. W. will be represented by Elwell Browning and a dark horse who is said to be an excellent rider. The Oakland Ramblers will have Ireland, Sears and Haralson to content for them, and the other two cities will have able representatives. The course is what is familiarly known to the boys as the "triangle," below San Leandro. This race will occur on Thanksgiving.
...The Oakland Ramblers have come to the surface again in an astonishing manner, and as Oakland is too small to support two good clubs, the A. C. W. is consequently numbered with the things that were....It is understood that the Ramblers will have a club house, as a committee have been appointed to secure the same.
Oakland Ramblers 24 Jan 1887, Mon Oakland Tribune (Oakland, California)
The Ramblers. 03 Feb 1887, Thu Oakland Tribune (Oakland, California)
ALL AROUND NOTES. 04 Apr 1887, Mon Oakland Tribune (Oakland, California)
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