Thomas S. Cobden

I've seen Thomas H. Cobden and Thomas E. Cobden. - MF


Thomas Cobden, the Superintendent of one of the bicycle agencies, rides to and from his place of business on his safety every day. This practice is becoming more general among wheelmen, especially those living in Oakland.
The club received and entertained Thomas A. Stevens on his return from his trip around the world in November, 1886. From time to time the meeting place of the club was changed, and not until this year has it been comfortably housed. An incorporation was effected on the 14th of last month, and soon after the elegant residence on the southwest corner of Golden Gate avenue and Polk street was leased. The building has been refitted and furnished, and the club will give a housewarming next Friday evening which promises to be one of the most notable events in its history. Recently the club has gained many new members, and seems to have entered on a new era of prosperity. Its officers are as follows: Thomas R. Knox, president; H. J. Foley, vice-president; Thomas R. Cobden, secretary; B. T. Edwards, treasurer; Will I. Pixley, captain; Fred Hess, first lieutenant, and L. H. Cox, second lieutenant.

The San Francisco Bicycle Club held a fine run to Haywards yesterday. The day was perfect, and the crowd seemed to be in just the mood for enjoying a run and a good lunch at the Haywards Hotel. The official photographs for the year were taken, and are to be framed and hung in the clubhouse. Mr. Cobden, who did the photographing, says that the groups are the best he has ever secured. For a wonder the whole number present kept well together, which is a pleasant feature in a club run. The ladies rode remarkably well. The return was made through Alameda, and the good streets were greatly appreciated. The San Franciscos will be at Alameda in time for this morning's proceedings, remaining for the lantern parade in the evening, and will occupy a good part of the grand stand at the races. All feel confident that they will see many records broken and the finest race meet the coast has ever seen.

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