Monday, September 1, 2014

Nine weeks

My family has put up with a grumpy, depressed, non-bike-riding father and husband this summer. Thank you, family.

The summer has come and gone with me, sitting it out on the sidelines, broken. Social media has only made me feel more sorry for myself and depressed; all those sunny pictures of people smiling on bike vacations and bike rides made me feel bad. There were glimmers of good times tho; a day on the beach in Bolinas, a long weekend in Downieville, co-workers visiting and working at my house when I couldn't go to work.

As of yesterday, I am officially back to full weight-bearing on my left leg, and can walk without crutches if I want to. It hurts, and I limp, but I can do it.

Rover and Lola have been with me every step of the way. Maybe next time I'll dance for you. Donna told me that I should be learning the Soulja Boy for our trip to Baja in November. I'm on it.

For my next trick, I'm going to try riding a bike on a stationary trainer. (It's on the OK list also, just no bike riding outside yet.)


  1. Walking unassisted, sweet! I can empathize with the injury isolation and fomo. After breaking my left hand in Feb, and then my good hand in Aug it's been all sidelines this year. It's a good thing we heal!

  2. :) I hope those breaks were preceded by moto fun.
