Joaquin Miller Acres
Map 19 Apr 1925, Sun Oakland Tribune (Oakland, California)
Here is the hand-drawn map from the 1925 article georeferenced on a modern map:
Blogger resamples the image when I upload it. Here it is, in 300dpi: Park Boulevard Serves Joaquin Miller Acres.jpg. Click that link to zoom in, and look around. Note, this is long before highway 13 existed. Peralta Ave is now Coolidge Ave. (sad) "PROJECTED NEW TUNNEL ROAD THROUGH SHEPHERD'S CANYON" never got built, thankfully. Hopkins Street was twenty years from becoming MacArthur Boulevard, and there was no 580. The drawing of Skyline becomes pretty imaginative as it gets further north, so I didn't try to georeference it. Joaquin Miller Park was created in 1919, Sequoia Mountain Park (now the eastern and northern extent of JMP) was created in 1924, bought by the city from the Havens Estate. Once that was done, Havens / Realty Syndicate developed Joaquin Miller Acres in 1925, where I live, across the road from "The Hights," Joaquin Miller's old property.
Realty Syndicate Announces Offering of Fifth Unit in Scenic Tract.
One of the most attractive of the new districts reached over the Park Boulevard route is Joaquin Miller acres. Its popularity is said to be due in large measure to the climate and scenic advantages made so widely known through the writings and life of the poet, after whom the tract was named, Joaquin Miller.
Joaquin Miller Acres is handled by the Realty Syndicate Company, and it is announced that four units have already been sold and a fifth is now being offered.
"Joaquin Miller Acres promises to be one of the most beautiful districts in the city of Oakland." C. P. Murdock, vice-president of the Syndicate states. [Click that Murdock bio, you'll get a sense of how much central control of resources F. M. "Borax" Smith had. - MF] "Very little of it has been purchased by investors who are interested primarily in the certain increase of its value. Rather has it gone to people who plan to make it their home; some of them had been waiting for years for it to come on the market. Many of the purchasers are holding off building operations waiting until they can build a home sufficiently large and fine to balance with their appreciation of the district's character. The homesites are ideal for pretentious homes, being about one-quarter acre in size. To have a community of this class tributary to Park Boulevard cannot but have an important bearing upon the development of that street, already one of the city's great arteries of traffic."
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