What the Local Wheelmen Are Doing, and What They Intend to Do.
Mr. Coxhead has offered bis fine fifty-three Columbia Light Roadster for sale. Henceforth he will ride a Victor Safety.
Mr. Bonton [Bouton] has invented a bicycle rack for holding bicycles. It makes an excellent bicycle stand, and in cleaning wheels, by reversing the bicycle it is firmly held by grooves. A person can clean a wheel in half the time ordinarily used.
Wilkins of San Leandro met with a severe injury Sunday in attempting to cross the local track at Seventh street and Broadway. He took a header, spraining his wrists and breaking the handle bars on his bicycle.
Baker, Brower, Wilkins, and Kryster took a run to Piedmont Sunday.
Mr. Blumeister of San Francisco took a country run with Mr. Bliss of New Jersey. They went to San Jose by moonlight Sunday morning and returned Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Gage, mounted on a fifty inch wheel, and his two sisters riding tricycles, are often to be seen enjoying a morning spin.
Miss Edith Coxhead was seen riding a Safety tricycle last week. She says she will soon be an expert on the tricycle.
The Ariels are practicing baseball. They will shortly challenge the Bay City's. Pierce plays like a professional. He covered second base for crack amateur club in Erie, Pa., last year.
The ball bearing head came to grief on Bower's Champion last Sunday. The ball in the lower socket cracked and jammed the head so that the rider took a terrific header. .
J. A. Johnson, the City Attorney and the wheelmen's friend, is going to ride a wheel. His choice lies between a Victor tricycle and a Safety.
Mr. Garthwaite of the Oakland Bank was exercising his legs on the pedals of a tricycle last week.
Sears and Brower, in talking about the wheel trade, say they are doing a rushing business. Their cycles are in great demand, and on Sundays they could rent three times as many wheels as they now have.
Ladies think nothing of hiring a tricycle and riding to Haywards and back in a day.
A new cycling journal has come to light in San Francisco. It is called the Cycling and Athletic Journal. It will be issued every Monday.
Hyde and Sears of the Ariels are going to the Almaden mines next Saturday afternoon on their wheels. They will return Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Sears is going to Victoria on the 13th inst. to visit his parents. He will take his wheel with him and enjoy the fine roads and scenery to be found about Victoria.
The Ariels were up to April fool jokes Sunday. C. D. Haven Jr. ad L. Sears were victims, and it cost them $5 apiece.
T. Grimes has a cyclometer on his wheel. He intends doing 600 miles this year.
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