Saturday, July 17, 2021

AMERICAN WHEELMEN. - League Refused to Allow Professionals to Become Members - Color Line Drawn. - Buffalo Evening News, 13 Feb 1897

L. A. W. - no sunday racing, color line drawnL. A. W. - no sunday racing, color line drawn 13 Feb 1897, Sat Buffalo Evening News (Buffalo, New York)


League Refused to Allow Professionals to Become Members - Color Line Drawn.

ALBANY, Feb. 13. - What the League of American Wheelmen in annual convention declined to do was of equal importance if not greater than those things they did. They declined to allow professionals, no matter of what standing, to either full or associate membership in the league.

They refused to allow the assembly at its meetings to select the city for the annual meets

They declined by a heavy vote to allow local option for Sunday racing. 

They declined to amend at all the section of the constitution that provides only for amateur riders and draws the color line.

The things they did were to divide the league into consulates of 25 clubs each, allowing amateurs to exchange their prizes for anything but cash.

Increasing the bond of the secretary to $10,000 and the treasurer to $15,000.

Placing road racing under the espionage of the racing board.

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