BIRTH 1869 • Maine
DEATH 31 May 1935
Married to Ruby H. Holmes
The terms of all local consuls having expired on the 1st of March, the Chief Consul has made the following appointments for 1887-8. The arrangement as below is in the order of the several representative districts: E. S. M. Judson, Los Angeles; George H. Frost, Pasadena: Edwin Mohrig, San Francisco; D. W. Donnely, San Mateo: C. J. Kryster, Oakland: P. E. Haslett, Alameda; George A. Morrill, Livermore; R. G. Bailey, San Jose; E. N. Radke, Santa Cruz: Benjamin B. Lyon, Stockton: John Breuner Jr., Sacramento; S. S Simon, Oroville.
The following returned on the train, and of this number fifty-three completed the century: W. M. Meeker, in charge of the run; A. M. Thompson, [R. M. Thompson] G. P. Wetmore, F. R. Cook, T. L. Hill, E. C. Landis, F. W. Ray, A. E. McKinney, J. L Miller, J. F. C. Holroyd, C. Emler, G. A. Morrill, T. E. Bullivant, G. Sheller, H. A. Pogue, W. I. Gilmour, T. W. Gilmour, C. H. Bliss, E. S. Broadwater, R. Fairbanks, W. W. Needham, G. L. Kessling, J. A. Delmas, Hy Smith, J. Smith, F. Larder, A. Rivett, E. D. Woodman, O. Granicher, Y. D. Hensiel, A. A. Deesing, W. R. Lipsett, R. R. Martin, L. G. Hodgkins, A. E. J. Nye, H. C. Hyde, E. C. Toie, H. W. Spaulding, L. A. Connoy, W. G. Watchers, F. A. Leadbetter, J. A. McNamara, C. Lapson, J. B. Lamb, C. N. Langton, S. Lubin, C. W. Hammer, S. Plummer, A. D. Allen, J. G. Cox, W. E. Thompson, T. H. Doane, T. Stevenson, H. F. Wynne, L. S. Stewart, F. A. McGrew and R. A. Smyth. Of the wheels ridden forty three were "ordinary," or tall wheels, and ten were safeties.
The pace-makers were: Geo. F. Neece, Grant Bell, G. A. Faulkner, W. C. Angell, Mr. Morrill, Mr. Stoddart, H. A. Bouton, [probably A. A. Bouton - MF] A. L. Pickard, [probably O. L. Pickard - MF] Jesse Ives, Mr. Sleuter: [probably Theodore Schleuter - MF] judge, Dr. Gourley; scorers, Chas. Addington, Chas, Ballentine, A. A. Bouton; official timer, Eugene Van Court; assistant timers, H. Snow, G. F. Neece.
The club has comfortable apartments on a prominent street which are seldom deserted. There is a parlor with two large bay-windows and a corner fireplace with an elegant hard wood mantel and plate-glass mirror, two billiard-rooms-each with its table and a directors' or officers' room-also a bathroom for training purposes. The rooms are lighted by both gas and electricity. It is proposed to build a good bicycle track, and have it in readiness for the race meet to be held on Admission day. The fleur-de-lis has been adopted by the club as its distinctive emblem. The present officers of the club are as follows: J. B. Lamkin, president; J. A. Desimone, vice-president; J. L. Bothwell, secretary-treasurer; board of directors - G. A. Morrill, Y. D. Hensill, Al Col, C. D. Smith, F. P. Black und E. Willistop; C. N. Ravlin, captain; R. O. Summers, first lieutenant; F. S. Munn, second lieutenant; W. W. Feedham, bugler; J. A. Delmas, color-bearer.
The following well-known wheelmon were present: J. B. Lamkin, J. A. Desimone, J. A. Chase, Al Barker, J. B. Carey, W. T. Hobson, John Eicher, R. A. Summers, H. A. Alexander, George W. Pollard, Charles P. Jarman, C. N. Ravlin, Captain R. J. Butler, J. E. Alexander, Al H. Jarman, A. C. Mckinney, all of San Jose; G. A. Badger of Denver; George P. Wetmore, George A. Morrill and George Webb Alexander of San Francisco, and Wilbur J. Edwards, the guest of the evening. A number of pleasing speeches were made and Champion Edwards was much affected by the great tribute paid him.
George Morrill is using the big giraffe bicycle on the smooth streets and at the Park. It is nine feet high and he cannot get on or off it alone.
At the beginning of the Grove-street exhibits is a red electric light, to show up the Remington cycles.The Phenix and Sterling bicycles are exhibited by Mohrig & Morrill opposite the Remingtons, and the attraction is the nine-feet high Sterling Giraffe.
Women and Children Who Rode All the Way on Their Wheels to Santa Barbara.
The longest cycle ride ever accomplished by women in this State was that in a run from this City to Santa Barbara. The distance traveled was 3872 miles. Two weeks ago last Sunday a party consisting of Edwin Mohrig and wife, Arthur Mohrig, aged 10 years, Eddie Mohrig, aged 12 years, Mrs. R. Holmes and George A. Morrill left this City for the long ride. The ladies wore the rational cycling costume and the men wore the most comfortable of cycling dress. The trip was made by easy stages, the party resting every night at some city or town along the route. The places where they rested were: San Jose, Salinas, King City, Jolon, Paso Robles, Santa Margarita, San Luis Obispo, Santa Maria, Los Olivos, Santa Ynez, Cold Springs and Santa Barbara.
"We were not racing against time," said Mr. Morrill in speaking of the trip, "so we took our time. One thing I want to say is that no one who goes on a long trip should go without a cyclometer. It enables him to determine whether he can make the distances between towns in the time left before darkness sets in. In going from one place to another the cycle tells what distance one can make, and knowing the distance from one stopping-place to another, one can tell if that distance can be covered within a given time.
"The roads were in many places. pretty steep, and on account of the ladies we were forced to dismount and walk. Then the dust and the heat both worked to make the trip at times tiresome. The ladies and the boys stood it well and were not particularly fatigued when we reached Santa Barbara. This ride has demonstrated to me the value of the rational bloomer costume for ladies who ride the wheel. If those who were with us had not had such costumes they could not have reached the journey's end. We traveled light all the way, taking no lunch along, but depending upon reaching places where we could find food and shelter.
"There is one thing about our long journey of which I feel proud, and that is that we did not puncture a tire nor have a breakdown, We returned to the City by rail."
Morrill - Holmes 31 Aug 1896, Mon
Oakland Tribune (Oakland, California)
The traveling men for the various cycle houses are already on the road with their samples of wheels for the coming season. T. H. B. Varney will cover some portions of the State himself, and has sent C. C. Hopkins out to travel the northern territory. George A. Morrill will leave here to-day in the interests of one house, while E. C. Christ leaves Monday for a three months' trip to the southward, including Arizona in his route.
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