Sunday, April 8, 2018

A FOUR-YEAR-OLD Chas. R. McAdams, Jr., Champion Cyclist of the World. - The Austin Weekly Statesman (Austin, Texas) 16 Jan 1896, Thu • Page 8

The Austin Weekly Statesman (Austin, Texas) 16 Jan 1896, Thu  • Page 8


Chas. R. McAdams. Jr, Champion Cyclist of the World. 

Master Chas. R. McAdams, Jr., of Fort Worth, champion 4-vear-old bicyclist of the world, came in yesterday and is stopping at the Hotel Salge. He was accompanied by his father, who left him in charge of Mr. Harper, the young man who is arranging the bicycle tournament for next week. Master Charles has gone into training, and will take part in next week's tournament. He has ridden all over the United States and is the greatest child cyclist living. He wears several medals, among which is one which rends "Champion Four-Year-Old Cyclist of the World; record 1-4 mile 57 seconds, flat standing start, at Evansville, Ind.. Oct. 5. 1895."

His father is very proud of the hov and says he will bet he can heat any professional once around a circle track to the professional's twice around.

A Statesman reporter called on the young man expecting to find a big, overgrown boy of twice the age, but was agreeably surprised to find - well, his mother still calls him her babv. He can scarcely talk plain and is very small for his age. He weighs 35 pounds, and his wheel, winch is a present from the factory, weighs but 9 pounds.

Found on ebay

MANY MILES ON WHEEL - WHEEL WHIRLS - ACME ATHLETES - Oakland Tribune 02 May 1894, Wed Page 8

Oakland Tribune 02 May 1894, Wed Page 8


An Acme Man Makes a Trip to San Diego. 

A. P. Swain, a prominent member of the Acme Club, has just made a run to San Diego on his wheel. He has sent The Tribune an account of his trip, as follows:

"I made a start from the Acme Club at at 4:30 o'clock on Saturday, April 15th, and rode to San Jose, where supper was had, and a very enjoyable evening was spent with the Garden City Cyclers. On Sunday morning a start was mad bright and early, and after an easy day's ride, passing though Gilroy and several smaller towns, I reached Chular, where a stop was made for the night.