San Jose, CA
green ivy leaf
J. T. Bailey
W. E. Berry
M. R. Gibson
C. A. Heppe
A. M. Hobson
J. G. Minor
William L. Parker
O. Ziegler Jr.
Captain Bailey.
The San Jose Road Club, although a young organization, is showing a degree of vim and enterprise not always found in older associations of wheelmen. It was formed on April 7, 1892, with ten charter members. Its ranks have since been considerably augmented, and several recent applications are pending. The object of the club is to advance the interests of road-riding and racing for the purpose of physical improvement and the promotion of amateur sport. The club's emblem - an ivy leaf, symbolic of friendship and union - is worn by some of the best riders in Santa Clara County. The club's colors are straw and lavender. About half of the members belong to the L. A. W., and the others have declared their intention of joining, the ultimate intention being to make the organization a league club. W. E. Berry represented the club at the Decoration day race meet in Alameda and developed considerable speed. He promises to be heard from in future events. Two of the members will be seen on the track at Alameda to-day, and will endeavor to carry the ivy leaf to the front. The present officers of the club are as follows: William L. Parker, president; C. A. Heppe, vice-president; C. J. Belloli, secretary and treasurer; W. E. Berry, sergeant-at-arms; J. T. Bailey, captain; O. Ziegler Jr.. lieutenant; A. M. Hobson, color-bearer; J. G. Minor, bugler.
The San Jose Road Club has elected the following officers: S. W. Hitchman, president; L. P. Desimone, vice-president; C. E. Pomeroy, lieutenant. The former president, Mr. Al Louis, has gone to Monterey County, and vice and lieutenant A. M. Hobson gave up his offices on account of business. The next road race of the club will be held on November 27. First prize, gold medal; second prize, bicycle shoes: time, silver medal. The club will also have a number of men on the track on Thanksgiving day, among whom are Osen, Ziegler, Suttich and Jamison.
CHAT ABOUT THE CYCLE - Grant Bell Wins the Road Race of the Acme Club. - The San Francisco Call, Nov 14, 1892
The San Jose papers and some local papers as well have been circulating the report that Otto Ziegler Jr. of the San Jose Road Club is to join the opposition San Jose club, the Garden City Cyclers, and wear their emblem, the fleur-de-lis. The American champion was interviewed by me yesterday on this subject and exclaimed: "There is no truth in that report whatever. The Road Club has always stood by me,'' said Ziegler, "and I shall stick to it. The Garden City Cyclers have persuaded the coast agent of the wheel I am to ride to ask me to change, but I shall not desert my own club to please anybody, so tell all my friends that I will wear the ivy leaf in 1895 the same as ever."There is another report that is meant to injure Ziegler's club. It is to the effect that the San Jose Road Club is going to pieces, and that its officers are forming a new club. There was a misunderstanding in the Road Club's board of officers over the Thanksgiving Day race meet and several resigned. Champion Ziegler says the club is stronger than over now, and the change has left the club without factions.Ziegler's team will have us a mascot a real grey falcon - the only falcon in America - which has just been imported from Berlin, and is now in Chicago at the cycle show. The team will therefore be known as the Falcon team. All will wear Nile green racing suits.Captain Belloli of the San Jose Road Club writes that the new clubhouse will be opened on the 15th of the month with appropriate exercises and all will pronounce the new quarters as convenient and cosy as any this side of the Rockies.
The picture accompanying this article shows three of the fastest and best known class A riders in California, representing three of the largest cycling clubs — Percy R. Mott, Acme Club Wheelmen; Dan T. Whitman (of Los Angeles), Olympic Club Wheelmen, and Floyd A. McFarland, San Jose Road Club. The picture gives the impression of an actual race - Mott's side glance at Whitman's wheel, the latter's determined look, and McFarland with that celebrated hump on his back.
P. R. MOTT, Acme Club Wheelmen. D. T. WHITMAN, Olympic Club Wheelmen. F. A. McFARLAND, San Jose Road Club. THREE CRACK CLASS A RIDERS. [original photo here -MF]
THE WHEELMEN. San Francisco Call, Volume 78, Number 64, 3 August 1895
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