The Wheel. 21 Mar 1887, Mon
San Francisco Chronicle (San Francisco, California)
The Wheel.
[Official Organ L. A. W.]
CHIEF Consul, Robert M. Welch; Representatives, O. C. Smith, C. A. Biederman, S. F. Booth Jr., W. W. Haralson; Secretary and Treasurer, P. E. Haslett.
The terms of all local consuls having expired on the 1st of March, the Chief Consul has made the following appointments for 1887-8. The arrangement as below is in the order of the several representative districts: E. S. M. Judson, Los Angeles; George H. Frost, Pasadena: Edwin Mohrig, San Francisco; D. W. Donnely, San Mateo: C. J. Kryster, Oakland: P. E. Haslett, Alameda; George A. Morrill, Livermore; R. G. Bailey, San Jose; E. N. Radke, Santa Cruz: Benjamin B. Lyon, Stockton: John Breuner Jr., Sacramento; S. S Simon, Oroville.
The following defines the duties of these officers:
Consuls shall acquire and give any information as to roads, hotels, laws and other matters of interest in their localities to members of the League calling upon them in person or by letter; keep their state officers informed from time to time by reports; perform such duties as the latter may require of them, and generally promote the interests of the League and its members. Consuls term of office shall expire March 1st of each year, but they may be removed for cause by the Chief Consul of their state, whose lieutenants they shall be considered.
The Oakland Ramblers having failed to use the five-mile State championship and returned it to the Racing Board, it is now open for assignment to any other club applying for it.
A sub-committee of the Committee of Arrangements for the annual meet at Santa Cruz on July 4th next, visited that place on Saturday, the 12th inst, and were very hospitably entertained by Consul Radke. They found the citizens very anxious to have the wheelmen visit them on the 4th, and willing to offer every facility except in the matter of sleeping accommodations. These it was found impossible to secure from any of the hotels. A general meeting of the committee was held in this city on Thursday evening last, and a report received from the delegation sent to Santa Cruz. E. N. Radke of Santa Cruz, R. G. Bailey of San Jose and Harrison Houseworth and John W. Gibson of the San Francisco Bicycle Club were added to the committee. The plan of a three-days' camp at Santa Cruz is now being considered.
The fixtures of the coming season so far are the 100-mile run of the Bay City Wheelmen on April 3d, the race meeting of the San Francisco Bicycle Club on May 30th, the League meet at Santa Cruz July 2d, 3d and 4th, and the race meeting of the Capital City Wheelmen at Sacramento, in connection with the State Agricultural Fair, on September 9th, Numerous minor events will develop as the season advances. No doubt the Stockton wheelmen will do something, if not until Thanksgiving Day.
Captain Meeker, of the Bay City Wheelmen, is making elaborate preparations for the 100-mile run of the Club. The course will be from here to San Jose and return on this side of the bay. He went to San Jose yesterday in company with Mohrig, to arrange the schedule time, and provide for refreshment stations along the road. His plan is to maintain a steady pace and keep his men together, and so endeavor to avoid the demoralization and exhaustion that would follow a series of spurting contests on the road. He will have hard work, we apprehend, keeping the stronger members from forging ahead and leaving the weaker brethren behind.
Houseworth and Letcher, of the San Franciscos, were to ride to Haywards through Redwood Canyon, yesterday, and a party of Bay Citys were to visit Bear Valley, Marin County.
E. N. Radke, of Santa Cruz, has made application for membership in the Bay City Wheelmen.
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