Combination of the Bicycle Clubs of California.
In response to a call issued by a committee of the San Francisco Bicycle Club, the oldest association of wheelmen in the State, a largely attended meeting was held last night at the rooms of that organization on Golden Gate avenue. The following clubs were represented, either by the three delegates to which each was entitled or by proxies: Bay City Wheelmen, Alameda Bicycle and Athletic Club, Olympic Club Bicycle Annex, San Francisco Bicycle Club, Capital City Cycle Club of Sacramento, Fresno Wheelmen, San Jose Road Club, California Cycle Club, Pacific Road Club, Alameda County Wheelmen, Oriental Cyclers and Monterey Bicycle Club, After considerable preliminary conversation the meeting was called to order, and T. R. Knox, president of the San Francisco Bicycle Club responded to a unanimous call to act as temporary chairman, M. S. Lavenson of Sacramento being chosen as temporary secretary. After remarks by Mr. Knox and R. Welch explanatory of the objects for which the meeting was called, a draft of the proposed by-laws was read in order to invite discussion.